Bill Nighy is Victor Maynard, a middle-aged, solitary assassin, who lives to please his formidable mother, Louisa (Eileen Atkins), despite his own peerless reputation for lethal efficiency. His professional routine is interrupted when he finds himself drawn to one of his intended victims, Rose (Emily Blunt). He spares her life, unexpectedly acquiring a young apprentice in the process, Tony (Rupert Grint). Believing Victor to be a private detective, his two new companions tag along, while he attempts to thwart the murderous attentions of his unhappy client (Rupert Everett).
Directed by Jonathan Lynn
Written by Lucinda Coxon
Cast: Bill Nighy, Emily Blunt, Rupert Grint, Eileen Atkins, Martin Freeman, Gregor Fisher and Rupert Everett
Distributed in the UK by Entertainment Film Distributors
International sales by Protagonist Pictures
"A British movie in the tradition of the Ealing comedies. Classy casting... business should be brisk for this frothy and frantic film."
Screen International